Do u wanna be a market analyst

 The changing world have shown us as the brand specialist have been replaced by the product manager, analyst and designers. 

Do u know how?

This is a self corrective mechanism and demand shapes the world; and that's how the supply side with it.

So coming to topic 'market' analyst. They need to look inward as looking at the product and customer rather than the expanding market. 

This relation has come to direct proportionality i.e. product & customer.

Now coming to the skill requirements:

  1. Technical
  2. programming
  3. Soft
  4. Data oriented
  5. Product oriented
  6. Representation 
  7. Communication
So, a whole some pocket is necessary for it. Now let us dive in the skills area and corner some of the important ones.

  1. R/SPSS/Python/JavaScript
more coming soon...


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